Juakali R23 & M11 (Juakali Mobile) have just been released. Find below some details.
We fixed an issue in the password configuration, certain special characters were not accepted:
Fields of a box can be now required based on logical conditions:
A simple icon indicates whether a form is read-only in a Combined User Task:
We improved the form designer, making it more legible and simpler to use:
Error messages can now be set as blocking if a certain logical condition is met:
Fields id can now be displayed for Test users (useful to report issues):
Web and mobile users can use the “multi-box” feature that allows for a better display of groups of fields:
As part of the configuration, we now can restrict the visibility of reports to certain groups of users:
Test users can now auto-fill a form clicking on a button, allowing them to perform tests much faster:
Mobile users can now search and filter tasks in order to identify the tasks they want to work on:
Mobile users can now select pictures from their Gallery or take new pictures:
Dozens of minor bugs fixing and improvements have also been brought to the configuration console, allowing us to serve you better and paving the way for further self-service of the platform.
We’re starting a new offering with a pre-configured package for digital field application and loan origination. Our objective is to get you live in less than 1 month of time. Contact us to learn about our early bird program.